You'll never guess what I just saw. They've only gone and got all excited about showing some dead ex-king's body to the world. Why bother? It's not like he's suddenly going to blink and come out of a 2000 year long coma, is it? What would he have to say, anyway...
Tomb-raider: Hey, Tut, we're all busting to know - what was it like in there all that time?
Tut: Well, you know, it was dark.
So why bother? Huh. Ignacious?

The nose is wrong, the eyes are missing, the hairline is too far forward. And he's got black skin. The guy from the tomb is wearing make-up. They haven't even bothered to draw some lips on the model's mouth. I mean, who did they get to do this? I could have done a better job with my head turned inside out and the modelling tool in my butt crack
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